Picked up a bottle of lychee liqueur over the weekend and put together this easy drink recipe. It's so yummy, even my beer drinking husband had a couple...
Raise a glass to sunny days and balmy nights with this refreshing gin-and-pink-grapefruit cocktail, made with a Simple Syrup you can keep on hand in the...
Dubbed farm punch by Sas Stewart, the co-founder of Stonecutter Spirits, this big-batch cocktail combines equal parts gin, Aperol, Lillet Blanc, and lime...
Pretty much an amazing summer drink. All the perfection of a great gin and tonic, but with a little twist. Plus, it looks pretty! I like this drink sitting...
Simple recipe for a whiskey sour. Lemon juice blends well with the whiskey for a quick and easy drink. I used Wegman's® brand lemon juice, and Tullamore...
Sometimes spring showers and summer lunches call for a mocktail. This grapefruit spritz is made with Sanbitter, an Italian red soda known as Campari's...
Gussy up a traditional hot toddy (made with whiskey, honey, lemon, and hot water) by whisking butter and spices into the honey first. Use high-quality...
Sherry comes in many styles that vary in body and color. This cocktail calls for amontillado, which is light and naturally dry -- a savory contrast to...
Conjure some black magic at Halloween using a splash of pitch-dark vodka in this classic citrus cocktail. This spooky screwdriver can be sipped through...
This classic drink dates back to the Civil War era and makes even a less expensive bottle of Champagne taste great with the addition of Angostura bitters...
Crisp, clean gin martini cocktail. One is not enough! Chill the gin in the freezer overnight before preparing the drink. This prevents the ice from melting...
Substituting grains of paradise for your normal black Tellicherry peppercorns, this delicious blend of peppercorns, ginger, and cardamom flavors will have...
This is a basic margarita recipe. You can add your favorite fresh fruits to flavor it. Fresh strawberry or mango are good choices. For a little something...
After spending $12 per drink at several restaurants, I decided to re-create a fruity mojito at home. You will love this quick, easy and refreshing mojito...
I was experimenting at camp one day when I was tired of drinking wine, beer, and all those sweet coolers. What a nice, refreshing surprise this was! This...
This recipe is adapted from Sarah Copeland's forthcoming book, "Feast" (Chronicle Books).It's a little tricky to describe a drink as "addictive" without...
The original purpose of honey in this simple Prohibition Era cocktail was to mask the smell of the bathtub gin. Now you can enjoy it without having to...